Cultural Capital and Employability

Developing Cultural Capital and Employability at Ocean Academy

 ‘Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ OFSTED Jan 2019

Cultural Capital and Employability at Ocean Academy

At Ocean Academy, our curriculum has been designed to ensure broad and full coverage of the National Curriculum. The essential knowledge and skills needed to become a successful member of society are intertwined and sequenced logically. Our children are encouraged to apply their learning to real life experiences and this then links to future employability. We also use Primary Futures online and watch people talk about their job and the skills they need for the world of work.

                                              All children have the opportunity to access and join a variety of extra-curricular clubs before, during and after school to develop their interests and skills in a variety of sports, music, art, science, maths, STEAM, computing, Aspire Awards, Leadership groups, dance and drama.

In addition to this, enrichment experiences are organised within each year group to further develop  cultural capital opportunities and thus a more purposeful understanding of career options.

Where next

Our Curriculum

‘Bringing Learning To Life: No Limits. No Barriers.’ Please click here to see our curriculum planning overview: Curriculum Overview YEAR 3     YEAR 4 …

Find out more about the Whole School Curriculum

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